Building Goals

Provide a safe environment for all students

  • Review and practice procedures for safety drills including fire, tornado and lock-down situations

  • Address student conflicts immediately and support students in improved problem solving

Continue to grow professionally both in knowledge and practices to serve our students and meet their individual learning needs

  • Hold monthly grade level meetings focused on the topics of using data to inform instruction, developing engaging instruction, reflection and assessment

  • Utilize monthly staff meetings as a forum for sharing professional readings, ideas and strategies for improving student learning

  • Review and refine the implementation of our intervention and enrichment period

  • Learn and grow from each other through peer coaching

    Strengthen school/family/community partnerships

  • Showcase student academic projects, talents, and achievement through Native American Museum, Math and Science Night, Celebration of the Arts, and Wax Museum

  • Honor our local veterans through the Veterans’ Day Appreciation Ceremony and Luncheon

  • Provide special parent and child evenings through the Hoe-Down and Blizzard Blast Dances

  • Partner with families and community organizations in support of charitable organizations such as Needy Basket, American Heart Association Hoops for Heart, and Relay for Life