There is so much to celebrate at the end of the school year including our six 2021-2022 retirees! Up first is LT Ball Intermediate teacher Kem Fischer! Join us in giving her a big round of applause for her commitment to students! #WEareTIPP #traditionofexcellence
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Congrats on the retirement Kem Fischer.
Congratulations to the Tippecanoe Educational Endowment Teacher of the Year nominees! Back row left to right: Jennifer Galloway, Matt Lieber, Stephen Monath, MacKenzie English, and Aaron Jackson. Front row left to right: Beth Hanes, Katy Scott, Nancy Sowder (Teacher of the Year), Christina Pentaudi, and Katelyn Slyman. #WEareTIPP
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Ten Teacher of the Year Nominees.
Remembering those who have died in service.
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Memorial Day.  Remember and Honor.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Teacher of the Year! The Tippecanoe Educational Endowment selected Nevin Coppock 1st grade teacher Nancy Sowder as its 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year! (Next week we will recognize all nominees and this year's retirees.)
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Congratulations to Nancy Sowder, this year's Teacher of the Year.
Thank you Mrs. Brogan for sharing these last-day-of-school selfies. #WEareTIPP
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Lt Ball's Mrs. Brogan takes a class selfie.
LT Ball's Mrs. Brogan takes  a selfie with a student.
A neighborhood full of children showered their bus driver with gratitude, love, smiles, and flowers! Each child presented Ms. Karen with a flower! Thank you Cedar Grover development. We know our bus drivers are the best! #WEareTIPP #togetherweareextraordinary
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
A large group of elementary students wait for their bus this morning holding a flower for their bus driver.
An LT Ball student poses with Ms. Karen.
Students board the bus this morning.
Students board with bus holding a flower to present to their driver.
Congratulations to LT Ball Intermediate Students of the Month for May! #WEareTIPP
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
LT Ball Students of the Month for May
LT Ball Students of the Month being silly.
Join us in welcoming the newest little Red Devil to the world! Congratulations to our band director/music teacher Stephen Monath, his wife and family. #WEareTIPP
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Stephen Monath and his wfie hold their new baby daughter.
Congratulations to the Tippecanoe High School Class of 2022!
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Happy Graduation Day to the Class of 2022
Thank you to our K-12 teachers for creating this wonderful tradition for Tippecanoe High School seniors. Each year the soon-to-be graduates receive a writing folder, a collection of work from their younger days in school Doesn't this bring a smile to your face? #WEareTIPP
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
THS seniors look at their writing folders.
THS seniors smile and laugh looking through their writing folders.
LT Ball 4th graders in the class of Erica Brogan visited Tippecanoe Middle School for a fun activity. TMS students enrolled in Design Thinking taught by Dale Bonifas created breakout boxes based on 4th grade standards. Students solved puzzles and problems to escape! #WEareTIPP
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
LT Ball students work in the breakout room.
LT Ball and TMS students work together on the breakout project.
Students try to unlock the breakout box.
Students work together to solve problems and puzzles to escape.
Next up on National School Nurse Day is a shoutout to LT Ball Intermediate Clinic Assistant Gretchen Rolf. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
LT Ball principal Mike Vagedes with Clinic Assistant Gretchen Rolf.
Look at these beautiful Mother's Day cards made by LT Ball students in the classes of Melissa May and Heather Ker. We hope all of our mothers who received a special handcrafted gift made in school cherish them. #WEareTIPP
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Handcrafted Mother's Day cards with paper flowers in purple and orange.
Handcrafter Mother's Day card with yellow and pink paper flowers.
A beautiful letter written by an LT Ball student to his mom for Mother's Day.
We hope our mothers have a beautiful day with the special people in their lives.
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Happy Mother's Day
Oops. We need to add a picture of our Tippecanoe High School cafeteria staff! Sorry about that gllitch! #schoollunchheroweek
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
THS cafeteria super stars!
Shoutout to the food service team at Tippecanoe High School. Happy School Lunch Hero Day and thank you for all you do for the students and staff. #WEareTIPP #schoollunch heroday
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Next up on School Lunch Hero Day is our food service team from Nevin Coppock Elementary School. Can we get a round of applause for them? #WEareTIPP #schoollunchheroday
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Nevin Coppock Elementary food service team.
On this School Lunch Hero Day join us in giving a shoutout to our food service crew at Broadway Elementary. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Super Heroes at Broadway Elementary School.
Next up on School Lunch Hero Day...the Tippecanoe Middle School cafeteria staff. Join us in saying thank you for all you do to feed and nourish our students! #WEareTIPP #schoollunchheroday
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Cafeteria Staff.
It is School Lunch Hero Day! We start with saying thanks to our amazing crew at LT Ball Intermediate School. #WEareTIPP #lschoollunchheroday
over 2 years ago, Tipp City Schools
The cafeteria staff at LT Ball.
Thank you cards for the cafeteria staff.
Close up of thank you notes from students.