There is so much to celebrate at the end of the school year including our six 2021-2022 retirees! Up first is LT Ball Intermediate teacher Kem Fischer! Join us in giving her a big round of applause for her commitment to students! #WEareTIPP #traditionofexcellence
Congratulations to the Tippecanoe Educational Endowment Teacher of the Year nominees! Back row left to right: Jennifer Galloway, Matt Lieber, Stephen Monath, MacKenzie English, and Aaron Jackson. Front row left to right: Beth Hanes, Katy Scott, Nancy Sowder (Teacher of the Year), Christina Pentaudi, and Katelyn Slyman. #WEareTIPP
Remembering those who have died in service.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Teacher of the Year!
The Tippecanoe Educational Endowment selected Nevin Coppock 1st grade teacher Nancy Sowder as its 2021-2022 Teacher of the Year! (Next week we will recognize all nominees and this year's retirees.)
Thank you Mrs. Brogan for sharing these last-day-of-school selfies. #WEareTIPP
A neighborhood full of children showered their bus driver with gratitude, love, smiles, and flowers! Each child presented Ms. Karen with a flower! Thank you Cedar Grover development. We know our bus drivers are the best! #WEareTIPP #togetherweareextraordinary
Congratulations to LT Ball Intermediate Students of the Month for May! #WEareTIPP
Join us in welcoming the newest little Red Devil to the world! Congratulations to our band director/music teacher Stephen Monath, his wife and family. #WEareTIPP
Congratulations to the Tippecanoe High School Class of 2022!
Thank you to our K-12 teachers for creating this wonderful tradition for Tippecanoe High School seniors. Each year the soon-to-be graduates receive a writing folder, a collection of work from their younger days in school Doesn't this bring a smile to your face? #WEareTIPP
LT Ball 4th graders in the class of Erica Brogan visited Tippecanoe Middle School for a fun activity. TMS students enrolled in Design Thinking taught by Dale Bonifas created breakout boxes based on 4th grade standards. Students solved puzzles and problems to escape! #WEareTIPP
Next up on National School Nurse Day is a shoutout to LT Ball Intermediate Clinic Assistant Gretchen Rolf. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
Look at these beautiful Mother's Day cards made by LT Ball students in the classes of Melissa May and Heather Ker. We hope all of our mothers who received a special handcrafted gift made in school cherish them. #WEareTIPP
We hope our mothers have a beautiful day with the special people in their lives.
Oops. We need to add a picture of our Tippecanoe High School cafeteria staff! Sorry about that gllitch! #schoollunchheroweek
Shoutout to the food service team at Tippecanoe High School. Happy School Lunch Hero Day and thank you for all you do for the students and staff. #WEareTIPP #schoollunch heroday
Next up on School Lunch Hero Day is our food service team from Nevin Coppock Elementary School. Can we get a round of applause for them? #WEareTIPP #schoollunchheroday
On this School Lunch Hero Day join us in giving a shoutout to our food service crew at Broadway Elementary. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
Next up on School Lunch Hero Day...the Tippecanoe Middle School cafeteria staff. Join us in saying thank you for all you do to feed and nourish our students!
#WEareTIPP #schoollunchheroday
It is School Lunch Hero Day! We start with saying thanks to our amazing crew at LT Ball Intermediate School. #WEareTIPP #lschoollunchheroday