Tippecanoe Middle School Athletics

The Tippecanoe Middle School athletic program for 7th and 8th graders is designed to provide students with opportunities to develop their physical skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship in a supportive and inclusive environment. The program offers a range of sports, allowing students to explore their interests and talents while promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.
Fall Sports
Cross Country
Winter Sports
Boys Basketball Schedule
Girls Basketball Schedule
Wrestling Schedule
Spring Sports
Looking for the location of our Athletic Events? see: Tipp City Schools and Athletic Fields Map
Feel free to contact us:
Kaci Matthews, TMS Athletic Coordinator- kmatthews@tippcity.k12.oh.us
Athletic Participation Fees
Athletic and school fees must be paid in full before a student-athlete can participate in their first game. Checks should be written to "Tipp City Schools" and submitted to the TMS office. You may also pay online at Pay Schools Central.
If you need financial assistance, stop by the board office and fill out a waiver application.
For the 2024-25 school year, the TMS athletic fee is $75 per athlete per sport. The family cap is $300 per school year, and the student cap is $225 per school year.
Please notify our office if you have met one of these caps. Note: This cap only applies to Athletic Fees.