Student's last names: A-L
Phone: 937-669-6361
TMS School Counseling Department
Dr. Lisa Tuttle-Huff
Mrs. Susan Eichenauer
Student's last names: M-Z
Phone: 937-669-6352
Scheduling will take place the end of January for 6th and 7th graders. 8th grade scheduling dates will be announced soon.
6th grade students will be taught the Teen Safety Matters Curriculum in their social studies classes in February.
Ohio State Testing will begin in April. ELA testing- April 15-16 Math testing- April 22-23 8th grade Science- April 30
Career Interests:
Science Fair
Are you interested in exploring science, technology, engineering, and/or math? Do you like to do hands-on science experiments and research science based topics? Do you want to participate in Science Fairs?
If so, join your peers to work on inquiry based science projects. We will meet after school so that you can research, create, and complete your science fair projects before the regional Science Fair at Tipp High School on February 13th. Science Fair meetings will meet most Wednesdays after school beginning Wednesday, October 2th in Ms. Sanders classroom. You can attend whatever meetings you can make. Just be sure to read any updates in the Science Fair Google Classroom. If you are interested in meeting after school to prepare for competing in the Miami County, Regional, or State Science Fairs, complete a permission slip and return to Ms. Sanders. Purple permission slips are found in the rack by the office or you can grab one from Ms. Sanders (room 105).
Role of a Middle School Counselor:
Counselors work with students, parents, and teachers addressing the academic, career and social/ emotional development of all students.
Students can request to see their counselor by using the email system or stopping in before or after school.
If you would like your student to see your child's counselor, you can call or email her to request for your student to be seen. Parents can also schedule meetings to address any concerns they have for their student.
Counselor Approach:
Our counseling approach is academic-based and the main focus is to provide students with the skills necessary to be successful at school. Sometimes, that may include needing to work on some personal or social issues to help students perform better at school. They will use solution-focused, brief therapy with students and help them become problem-solvers. Solution-focused, brief therapy helps students identify and define the problem, explore multiple resolutions, evaluate the resolutions for solving the problem, choose a resolution, and evaluate the results.