Garden Club Permission Form

Garden Club Advisor: Mr. Dale Bonifas
Room 114
937-667-8454 ext: 2785

If this is the students first club of the 2020-2021 school year, a club fee of $20 is due before the first meeting.

The Gardening Club

The Outdoor Club will show students how to grow vegetable plants from seeds, maintain a garden, and harvest vegetables to be donated to a local food pantry.  Students will also learn how to reuse resources through using rain barrels to water the vegetable gardens and to compost plants to create soil for future years.

Students will work with a Gardening expert from the OSU Outreach program to learn how to grow vegetables from seeds, transplant the plants outside to the raised beds in the school's courtyard, and then maintain the plants until it is time to harvest the produce.  The produce will be donated back to the community through either Needy Baskets or the Lunch on Us programs.  The Club will run from the beginning of March to the end of October.  Students will be encouraged to help maintain the garden during the summer by attending weekly work sessions.

 The next Outdoor Gardening Club meeting:

Wednesday June 9th postponed to Thursday June 10th

Location: TMS Courtyard (meeting in the back lobby of TMS by the gymnasium)

Time: 10:30 to 11:30