About Board Meetings

Tipp City Board of Education meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at LT Ball Intermediate School, 575 N. Hyatt Street, Tipp City. If the meeting falls on a holiday, call 667-8444 for updated information on the meeting date and time. Community members are welcome!

What is the Board of Education?

The Board of Education is a five-member governing body elected by the voters of the school district. The Board of Education, representing the community, has the legal responsibility for the education of the children in the district. The Board derives its authority and responsibility from the state and federal law.

What are the duties of the Board of Education?

It is the duty of the Board of Education to establish the policies under which the schools are governed. The Board places the responsibility to implement those policies with the superintendent and the administrative staff.

Who are the Board of Education members?

The five Board of Education members are community residents who are vitally concerned with the education of Tipp City youngsters. Their authority as board members is in effect only when the board is in session. No individual member has the authority to act in the name of the board outside a meeting.

How are the Board of Education members elected?

The Board of Education members are elected to serve four-year overlapping terms. They are elected at large on a nonpartisan ballot to represent the entire district.

When and where are board meetings held?

Regular meetings of the Board of Education are held at 6:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at LT Ball Intermediate School, 575 N. Hyatt Street, Tipp City.

Work session meetings of the Board of Education are held at 6:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the Tipp City Board of Education office, 90 S. Tippecanoe Drive, Tipp City.

When special meetings are necessary, the time and location will be announced in advance.

Who prepares the agenda?

The superintendent, with the advice of the board president, is responsible for preparing the agenda for each meeting. Board members receive copies of agendas and explanatory materials prior to the regular meeting to allow time for preparation. Agendas for the public are posted on the district web site the day of each meeting and are available at the meetings.

What is the order of the agenda?

The business meeting agenda is normally conducted in the following order:
1.  Call to Order
2.  Pledge of Allegiance
3.  Approval of Agenda
4.  Superintendent Comments
5. Committee Reports
6. Citizens' Comments
7.  Treasurer's Report
8.  New Business - Consent Agenda
9.  Old Business
10. New Business
11. Miscellaneous
12. Adjournment

How can an item be placed on the agenda?

Anyone who wishes to suggest an item for inclusion on the agenda must submit a written request to the office of the superintendent at least five working days prior to the day of the meeting, except in cases of suspended or expelled students. If a group wishes to present a particular item to the board, it is suggested that one person be selected by the group to speak. The request shall indicate the subject of the presentation and the name of the presenter.

Are the meetings open to the public?

All Board of Education meetings are open to the public. The law allows for closed executive sessions for discussion of personnel matters, litigation, negotiations, security and real estate transactions, but any official action must be taken in a public meeting.

Does the public take part in the meetings?

All Board of Education regular meetings have a designated portion on the agenda for comments and participation by the public. Anyone desiring to speak is requested to fill out a card at the meeting and submit it to the treasurer. Persons attending the meeting do not participate in discussions on other agenda items unless asked to do so by the board. Parents' questions about individual students usually should be discussed with the teacher involved first and, if necessary, the principal or administrator closest to the situation. If further discussion is warranted, the matter can be referred to the superintendent. This procedure has been effective for most people because it gets direct response and allows the board to concentrate on  matters that affect the entire district.

Will a decision be made immediately on issues raised by the public during a meeting?

A routine question may be answered at the time it is posed. However, more complex matters may require time for study and consideration. Some situations will be referred to the administration for investigation and review. If policy action is required, the matter will be scheduled by the board on a future agenda.