Tipp City Schools closed Nevin Coppock Elementary today because of a problem with its heating system.
The school has a main boiler and a supplemental unit. While we have been working to repair the supplemental unit, today, we had an additional issue with the main boiler. With the frigid weather and the absence of a fully functional supplemental unit, the boiler system could not maintain the building temperature. Once it became evident that we needed to service the main boiler, the superintendent and principal determined that Nevin Coppock would need to be closed on Wednesday.
The main boiler has been serviced and is functioning, and an HVAC contractor is working to make the supplemental system operational.
Although individuals have varying preferences regarding indoor temperatures, at no time this winter have students or staff been at risk in Nevin Coppock.
We look forward to seeing our Nevin Coppock students and staff back on Thursday morning.