🗓️Save the date for StageCrafters registration!🎭#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #summerdramacamp
about 3 hours ago, Tipp City Schools
🎉 Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School senior Alissa Magato on officially committing to the University of Toledo! 🏃🏻‍♀️Alissa will continue her education and track and field career as a Rocket. 🚀Hard work. Dedication. Achievements.👏🏻#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #futurerocket #reddevils #hardwork #congratulations
about 8 hours ago, Tipp City Schools
Congratulations.  College signing for Alissa Magato.
🎉🐾 What a fun time Broadway Elementary and LT Ball Intermediate students had during their end-of-the-quarter PBIS Award celebration! 👏 Thank you to Performance Dogs of Ohio for bringing the fun and excitement! 🐕💫 The kids loved the show! 😁🐾 It was a paws-itively awesome experience! 🐾🐶#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #performancedogsofohio #PBISreward #dogtricks #doglovers
1 day ago, Tipp City Schools
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
PBIS third quarter award: Performance Dogs of Ohio.
👏🎉At its monthly meeting, the Board of Education recognized several Tippecanoe Middle School students for academic achievement and creativity! 🌟✨🏅 Emily Ragan was honored for achieving an Excellent rating at Miami County Science Day! 🔬📚Delilah Rosales and Aurora Ker (both in photo), Colton Blair, Stella Deisher, Ethan Fox, Avery Gagnon, Kailee Gilleland, Matthew Jergens, Ellie Lukacs, and Owen Vonderheide were recognized for their Creativity Award in the D.A.R.E. video project! 📸 🎬#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #creativityinaction #STEMsuccess #congratulations #studentsuccess
1 day ago, Tipp City Schools
Three TMS students who were honored at the BOE monthly meeting.
🏈🎉 Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School senior Gavin Newburg on his commitment to Ashland University! 🎓🔥 He will continue his education while advancing his football career. 👏 #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #ashlanduniversity #reddevils #FutureEagle #congratulations
2 days ago, Tipp City Schools
College signing for Gavin Newburg.
💨🍃Using craft materials and ordinary supplies, Broadway Elementary first graders constructed and tested anemometers for their Wit & Wisdom unit on Powerful Forces! 🌍Through creativity and experimentation, they explored the science behind wind and weather. 🌬️🔬#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #handsonlearning #wit&wisdom #powerfulforces #windandweathre #anemometers
2 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
Constructing an anemometer at Broadway Elementary.
🌟👏 Shoutout to LT Ball Intermediate 5th graders 🎉 Nicole Stump, Avery Chaney, Donald Chaney, and Vivian Ranley(not pictured), who earned an Excellent rating at Miami County Science Day! 🔬🧪✨The Board of Education proudly recognized their hard work and achievements at its monthly meeting! 💡📚 🚀🌍 #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #STEMstars #FutureInnovators #LTBallProud #ScienceDay 🏆🎓
2 days ago, Tipp City Schools
LT Ball's BOE monthly honorees.
🎉👏 Congratulations to six Tippecanoe High School students for their induction into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)! 📚✨NTHS recognizes top career and technical education students who demonstrate leadership, skill, and academic excellence. 🏆💡 These students are enrolled at Miami Valley Career Technology Center, preparing for their futures! #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #MVCTC #NTHSmembers #congratulations
3 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Congratulations to the NTHS newest members.
🎭✨ A huge THANK YOU to Expressions Studio for sharing the group photos of the cast and crew from Tippecanoe High School’s production of The Little Mermaid! 🧜‍♀️🎶👏 What a fantastic show filled with incredible talent, 🎤 stunning sets, 🎭 beautiful lighting, great sound, and 🎨 vibrant costumes! 🌟 Bravo to everyone who brought this magical production to life! 💫🎶#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #thsdrama #talentedstudents #expressions #castandcrew #littlemermaid #bravo
3 days ago, Tipp City Schools
THS The Little Mermaid cast and crew.
THS The Little Mermaid cast.
🌸☀️ Spring Break☀️🌸Wishing our students, families, and staff a fun, relaxing, and refreshing Spring Break! 🌿💐#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #springbreak #sunshine #relax #refresh #recharge
7 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Spring Break
🎉 Tippecanoe Middle School students had a blast celebrating their end-of-quarter PBIS reward at Scene 75! 🏆🎮Their hard work and positive behavior paid off with a morning of fun, games, and memories with friends. #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #PBISRewards #PositiveBehavior #Scene75Fun
7 days ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS at Scene 75.
TMS at Scene 75.
TMS at Scene 75.
TMS at Scene 75.
TMS at Scene 75.
TMS at Scene 75.
🌟 Congratulations to our Broadway Elementary Super Citizens for March! 🌟This month, we celebrate students who embody the character trait of Hope—those who inspire others with their positivity. ✨👏#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #reddevils #supercitizens #congratulations #hope
7 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Super Citizens for March
✨🎉Congratulations to LT Ball Intermediate's Students of the Month for March! Let's give them a round of applause.👏👏👏#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #studentsofthemonth #congratulations #goodjob
8 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Students of the Month
🎉✨Congratulations to our Broadway Elementary Board of Education honorees for March. Madeline Barnhart, McCoy Holzfaster, and Cora Miller received the Role Model Award for being great examples to others. 😊Benjamin Bertke and Adalyn Chaney earned the Growth Mindset Award for working extremely hard.📚👏 #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #studenthonorees #rolemodels #workinghard #congratulations
8 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Broadway Elementary BOE Honorees for March.
🐄🐮Broadway Elementary kindergarten students recently enjoyed an "All About Farming" day!👨🏻‍🌾👩🏻‍🌾 Thanks to the Miami County 4-H through the OSU County Extension, they learned about crops, livestock, and the various products we get from them. 🚜They even made butter by shaking heavy whipping cream!🧈 A big thank you to Miami County 4-H for this hands-on learning experience.#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #miamicounty4H #handsonlearning #allaboutfarming #makingbutter
9 days ago, Tipp City Schools
All about farming at Broadway Elementary.
All about farming at Broadway Elementary.
All about farming at Broadway Elementary.
All about farming at Broadway Elementary.
All about farming at Broadway Elementary.
All about farming at Broadway Elementary.
All about farming at Broadway Elementary.
🌟👏🏻A big shoutout to the Tippecanoe High School students who participated in the Tipp City Rotary Club's Four-Way Test Speech Contest: Lauren Anderson, Marissa Hollon, Sadhil Mehta (this year's winner), Ella Combs, and Caroline Kaibas. The Rotary Club's Four-Way Test Speech Contest is an annual competition that challenges high school students to develop and deliver a speech that applies Rotary International's Four-Way Test to an ethical issue of their choice. The Four-Way Test consists of four guiding questions: 🌟Is it the truth?🌟Is it fair to all concerned?🌟Will it build goodwill and better friendships?🌟Will it be beneficial to all concerned? ✍🏻Participants select topics they are passionate about and construct speeches that explore these questions about their chosen subjects. This process encourages students to engage in ethical reasoning and enhances their public speaking skills. #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #tippcityrotary #rotaryspeechcontest
9 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Rotary Speech Contest participants with the Superintendent.
🙂🌟Sensational Family STEM Night was sensational! (Mister C agreed and gave it a thumbs up.) 👍🏻Students and their guests explored Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) through unique interactive, hands-on activities. 👩🏻‍🔬🔭🔬🙂#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #FamilySTEMNight #misterc #scienceisfun #STEMactivities
10 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Mister C.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
Sensational Family STEM Night activity.
👏🏻🎉Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School student-athlete CJ Bailey for his outstanding performance this season! 🏀🌟As a varsity basketball player, CJ was instrumental in the team's success, earning him multiple end-on-the-season accolades. 🙌🏻#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #reddevils #thsbball #studentathlete
10 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Congratulations THS student athlete CJ Bailey.
💫🙌 Continuing to spread kindness at Tippecanoe Middle School. Our next shoutout goes to Treyton Neely for being recognized in The Kindness Revolution! ❤️👏 Thanks to School Resource Officer Warren Edmondson (AKA Officer Cool Cop), TMS students are leading with kindness, empathy, and compassion. ✨Treyton's actions positively impact those around him, showing that even the smallest acts of kindness can create a big difference. 🤝💙#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #kindnessrevolution #makeanimpact #officercoolcop #tmskindnessTreyton Neely
10 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Spreading kindness OCC Honoree.
🍀🍋‍🟩🥦Our Broadway Elementary kindergarten students celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a "Taste of the Green" experience! They sampled a variety of green foods, exploring flavors from tangy to sweet and textures from crispy to crunchy. 🥒🍽️Some bites brought smiles, while others prompted a "no, thanks." 🙂#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #stpatricksday #taseofthegreen #newfoods #newfoods
11 days ago, Tipp City Schools
Taste of the Green at Broadway for St. Patrick's Day.
Taste of the Green at Broadway for St. Patrick's Day.
Taste of the Green at Broadway for St. Patrick's Day.
Taste of the Green at Broadway for St. Patrick's Day.
Taste of the Green at Broadway for St. Patrick's Day.
Taste of the Green at Broadway for St. Patrick's Day.
Taste of the Green at Broadway for St. Patrick's Day.
Taste of the Green at Broadway for St. Patrick's Day.