Due to forecasted high temperatures and high heat index ratings on Tuesday and Wednesday, Broadway and Nevin Coppock will be on a 2-hour early release schedule. The district will monitor weather forecasts for Thursday and Friday o determine if schedule modifications are needed.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Special Announcement
Two TMS students earned a perfect score on Grade 6 English Language Arts state test! They earned a perfect score on the multiple choice section, informative/explanatory essay, and argumentative essay. ELA teacher Christina Longo surprised the students at their homes! #WEareTIPP
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
The stopfinder app used for bus stop assignments, times and locations is not working. We are in contact with the company to get the service restored. Bus information will be available at each Open House. We will let you know when the app is working.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Thank you to our 6th graders, new TMS students, and families who attended last night's Open House. We appreciate your support and the opportunity to share our excitement about TMS! And thank you to our 40 8th grade student leaders who provided building tours! #WEareTIPP
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Thank You
We look forward to welcoming 6th graders, new TMS students, and their families to orientation tonight starting at 6. It includes a presentation and tour of the school. Unfortunately, schedules and locker assignments will not be available due to a PowerSchool technical issue.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
CLARIFICATION: First Grade Open House will be by appointment only on August 17 and 18. Teachers will call families to set a time. First day of school for first graders is August 19th.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Clarification: Nevin Coppock Kindergarten students will come to their scheduled screening appointment August 16-18. Students/parents will meet the teachers by appointment on 8/19, 20, or 23rd. First day of kindergarten is August 24.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
We look forward to welcoming 6th graders, new TMS students, and their families to orientation tonight starting at 6. It includes a presentation and tour of the school. Unfortunately, schedules and locker assignments will not be available due to a PowerSchool technical issue.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Welcome to Jason Watercutter-the new Tippecanoe Middle School Assistant Principal/Athletic Director. He is excited to be in our district and looks forward to meeting staff, students, and families. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
over 3 years ago, Liz Robbins
Jason Watercutter-TMS Assistant Principal
We have a great opportunity for people looking for part-time work with flexible hours. Join our team by becoming a substitute teacher! #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Substitute Teachers Needed
REMINDER: All childcare transportation requests are due by Friday, August 6th at the end of the day. Please see attached for more information.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Bus Transportation
A sure sign the start of school is approaching--the delivery of 700 Chromebooks. Now to get them unpacked and ready for students! #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Truck Being Unloaded
We continue to experience technical difficulties with the vendor that handles student re-registration. We share your frustration! Our technology department is in regular contact with the provider to remedy their issues. New emails with the snapcode have been sent but they can take 24 to 48 hours to reach recipients. If you do not receive the email by Wednesday at 2:00 in the afternoon, please email info@tippcity.k12.oh.us for assistance. Tipp City Schools is researching other providers to better serve our families and employees in the future.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Tipp City Schools
Tippecanoe Middle School has an opening for a Math & Science Teacher. Candidates need current Ohio teaching license & must be certified to teach math & science to 6th-8th graders. For information contact our Human Resources Director at ltuttlehuff@tippcity.k12.oh.us #WEareTIPP
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Join Our Team
Great opportunity for TMS and THS students! Sign up for the Tippecanoe Academic Quiz Bowl Camp. Enjoy a day of learning and competition. You also get to meet beloved History teacher Mr. Joe Bellas! #WEareTIPP
over 3 years ago, Liz Robbins
THS Academic Quiz Bowl Back to School Camp
We continue to experience issues with re-registration snapcode emails. We understand your frustration and sent new emails last night. It might take 24-48 hours for the email to reach the inbox. If you do not receive it by 2:00 on Wed., please email info@tippcity.k12.oh.us
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
District Crest
Tippecanoe Middle School is hosting orientation for 6th graders, new TMS students, and their families on August 11 at 6:00 PM. #WEareTIPP #togetherweareextraordinary
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS  6th Grade Orientation
Unless face coverings are mandated by local, state, or federal authorities, face coverings will not be required for students or teachers during the 2021-2022 school year.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Face mask
Looking forward to welcoming the Tippecanoe High School Class of 2025. #WEareTIPP
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools
Freshman Orientation
It has been brought to our attention that some parents have not received their SnapCode email for re-registration. We are sending out another SnapCode email this evening. Please check your spam folder if you do not see it.
over 3 years ago, Tipp City Schools