👏Good luck to Morgan Wolbers and Alyssa Lunsford, our Tippecanoe High School students competing in today's Division 1 District Tournament. 🎉#WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #thsbowling #districttournament #goodluck
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
THS Bowlers.
💫🙌 Thanks to School Resource Officer Warren Edmondson (AKA Officer Cool Cop), Tippecanoe Middle School students are spreading kindness.💫🙌The Kindness Revolution recognizes students who go out of their way to show compassion, empathy, and kindness to those around them. 💛 👏 Congratulations to Kinsley Wemple for earning this honor and making a difference! 🤝#WEareTIPP #kindnessinaction #OfficerCoolCop #tippcityschools #bekind #makeadifference
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Kindness Revolution honoree.
👏🏻🤗Congratulations to our LT Ball Intermediate Students of the Month. Teachers selected the students for this honor because they show kindness and help others. 🙂Let's give a round of applause to our recipients. 👏🏻
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
LT Ball Students of the Month
🌟🎓It was a heartwarming and memorable celebration for Tippecanoe High School student Ethan Hews as staff held a special graduation ceremony for him. 🤗Surrounded by family, teachers, support staff, and beloved bus driver, he proudly wore his cap and gown and received his diploma from the superintendent and principal. '👨🏻‍🎓👏🏻To make it even better, Ethan is already out in the world, working at our local McDonald's! 🍔
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Congratulations Ethan
⚖️🚔 Tippecanoe Middle School students took a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse, where they got a behind-the-scenes look at the legal system! 🎭⚖️ They toured the courthouse, visited the jail, and learned about the functions of the court and judicial system. Students also stepped into the courtroom, where they took on the roles of the plaintiff, defendant, jury, and witnesses in a mock trial. 👨‍⚖️👩‍⚖️Thank you to the Miami County Courthouse for this incredible hands-on learning experience! #fieldtrip #communityconnection #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #mocktrial #handsonlearning
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
TMS students on a field trip to the Miami County Courthouse.
🏀⛹🏻Tournament play continues for the Tippecanoe High School boys basketball team. Good luck in tonight's District Semi-Final game. 🌟The team faces Franklin at Centerville High School beginning at 7:30 PM. #goodluck #playhard #tournamenttime #WEareTIPP #thsbball
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
THS varsity basketball team
💫🙌 Spreading kindness at Tippecanoe Middle School.💫🙌Thanks to School Resource Officer Warren Edmondson (AKA Officer Cool Cop), the Kindness Revolution is going strong at Tippecanoe Middle School! 🌟 This initiative recognizes students who go out of their way to show compassion, empathy, and kindness to those around them. 💛 👏 A big congratulations to Graysin Burton for earning this honor and making a difference! Your kindness matters! 🤝✨#WEareTIPP #kindnessinaction #OfficerCoolCop #tippcityschools #bekind #makeadifference
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Kindness Revolution recipient Graysin.
👏🏻🌟It is the end of the Tippecanoe Middle School winter sports season and we have one more student to recognize for his hard work, leadership, and determination on the mat! 🤼‍♂️💪Congratulations to Declan Couch on being named Athlete of the Week. Coach Couch said, Declan has pushed himself even harder this wrestling season, building on last year’s success. After placing at all tournaments last season, he set higher goals and it paid off. Declan has been a true leader both in the wrestling room and at tournaments, setting an example for his teammates. 🎉👏 #athleteoftheweek #tmswrestling #WEareTIPP #reddevils #tippcityschools
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Athlete of the Week.
🏆Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School cross-country standout Landon Kimmel for earning the 2024-2025 Gatorade Ohio Boys Cross-Country Player of the Year. 🏆 🏃🏻‍♂️He has cemented himself as one of Ohio’s best, earning this prestigious award that recognizes not just athletic excellence but also academic achievements and community impact. 👏🏻🌟👏🏻Landon’s hard work, dedication, and determination—both on and off the course—have earned him this incredible distinction! 🙌🏻What an accomplishment! 🎽#gatoradeplayeroftheyear #ohiosbest #keeprunning #crosscountry #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #excellence
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Landon Kimmel Gatorade Player of the Year.
🎉📚 Congratulations to our LT Ball Intermediate students recognized by the Board of Education for their academic persistence. 👏✨🌟 Evelyn Bertke and Amelia Coffey have demonstrated remarkable determination and resilience in the classroom, overcoming obstacles and showing tremendous growth in their learning. Their hard work, perseverance, and dedication have not gone unnoticed!❤️🏅#studentrecognition #determination #perserverance #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #hardworkpaysoff
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
LT Ball students honored by BOE.
💫🙌 The Kindness Revolution continues at Tippecanoe Middle School, thanks to School Resource Officer (Officer Cool Cop) Warren Edmondson! 🌟 This initiative celebrates students who go above and beyond to show empathy, compassion, and care for others. 💛 Congratulations to Vincent Wilder for earning this recognition and making a difference.🤝✨ #WEareTIPP #TippCitySchools #KindnessRevolution #OfficerCoolCop
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Office Cool cop Honoree.
🦩 🐊Welcome to the Class Zoo! 🐍🦋Some Broadway Elementary first graders proudly shared their animal presentations with family and friends! 🎉Each student researched an animal, molded it from clay, and designed the perfect habitat—bringing their learning to life.🦏🌿👏 #classzoo #animalproject #WEareTIPP #wildsuccess #TippCitySchools #learningisfun
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
Animal presentations by Broadway students.
🤼‍♂️🏆 Congratulations to the Tippecanoe High School wrestling team for a strong performance at the Division II Sectional Tournament! 💪 Six Red Devil wrestlers punched their ticket to Districts with a Top 4 finish! 🎉 Shoutout to 🥇 Riley Hull (113) – 1st🥇 Rohan Nicholls (126) – 1st🥇 Collin Isaac (165) – 1st🥈 Trent Thompson (144) – 2nd 🥉 Bret Ballard (175) – 3rd🏅 Trace Frazier (106) – 4th. And congratulations to Chase McCormick (138) for a strong tournament performance and a 6th-place finish. 👏🏻#thswrestling #reddevils #districts #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #congratulations
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
THS wrestlers.
🌟🎸 Tippecanoe Middle School Rock Stars of the Week! 🎸🌟Congratulations to Anna Hook, Reagan Hayes, and Finlee Heeley! 🎉👏 #WEareTIPP #tmsrockstars #hardwork #tippcityschools #congratulations
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Rock Stars of the Week.
✨🏀We’re catching up on our Athlete of the Week posts.🎉👏 A huge congratulations to Addi Blair, last week’s Tippecanoe Middle School Athlete of the Week. Her 7th-grade girls basketball had high praise for Addi. Coach Thomas said, "Addi leads our team on and off the court. She’s been a consistent top scorer while also distributing the ball and getting others involved. She’s truly the backbone of our team—when Addi goes, we go! A great example of her leadership is how she asked if our team could pray before games, and now she takes turns leading it with her teammates. Not many young athletes take that kind of initiative. Being a point guard and a leader is tough, but Addi does it all with a smile!" Congratulations to Addi and her teammates on a great season. #tmsbball #girlssports #athleteoftheweek #WEareTIPP #tippcitysports #greatteammate
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Athlete of the Week.
🦉🐦Broadway Elementary kindergarteners got a hands-on science lesson with the Miami County Park District as they learned about birds and explored how they use their beaks to find food! 🪶🍎 Instead of real beaks, they tested a variety of tools to "eat" like different birds. 🦜👀🪶 Thank you to the conservationists for bringing the wonder of wildlife to students! 🌎🥄It was an afternoon of learning, laughter, and discovery as they rotated through fun activities to see how amazing nature can be! 🌿👏 #birdsofafeather #learningisfun #handsonactivities #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #communitypartners
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Miami County Park District presentation.
Miami County Park District presentation.
Miami County Park District presentation.
Miami County Park District presentation.
Miami County Park District presentation.
Miami County Park District presentation.
Miami County Park District presentation.
🔬🏅 Tippecanoe High School students succeed at Miami County Science Day! 🏅🔬 Congratulations to our Tippecanoe High School students who earned Superior ratings at Miami County Science Day! 🎉👏 Their dedication, research, and hard work have paid off! Join us in a round of applause for🏅 Aubrey Ernst, Audrey Jackson & Ela Van Oss🏅Sadhil Mehta🏅 Colin Snider. #sciencefair #independentresearch #STEM #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
THS science fair participant.
THS science fair participant.
THS science fair participant.
💪 🏊‍♀️Good luck to Tippecanoe High School swimmers Avery Anderson and Jack McMurry as they hit the pool at the OHSAA State Meet in Canton for tonight's preliminary round! 🏆 Avery will compete in the 200 Free & 500 Free, while Jack takes on the 100 Butterfly. 🏊💥👏#stateswimmers #thsswim #ohsaastatemeet #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #tipphs
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
THS State Swimmers.
🎉📚 MVL CHAMPS – UNDEFEATED SEASON! 📚🎉The Tippecanoe High School Academic Quiz Team wrapped up their MVL regular season with a perfect 18-0 record and a championship title! 💪🔥 Congratulations to Sadhil Mehta, Ben Van Oss, Kyler Oney, and Collin Snider for sweeping the league. 🏆👏This marks back-to-back MVL titles for the team! 🏅 Next up: Regional competition in April and a trip to History Bowl Nationals in Washington, D.C.!💡#MVLChamps #academicexcellence #academicquizteam #studentscholars #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #historybowlbound
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
MVL Champs
🌟🎉Introducing our Tippecanoe Middle School Rock Stars of the Week! 🎉Congratulations to Sophie Wead, Valerie Colwell, and Naomi Sharpnack for their hard work and positive impact at TMS.🎸👏#rockstars #tmsstudents #WEareTIPP #tippcityschools #hardwork #positiveimpact
about 1 month ago, Tipp City Schools
Tippecanoe Middle School Rock Stars of the Week.