👏🏻🌟Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School Female Athlete of the Week Ella Combs. Ella is a junior on the varsity basketball team and the starting point guard for the 11-4 Lady Red Devils. 🏀She is a tenacious defender, scoring seven points and making seven steals in the victory at Sidney. Ella played a great game at home in the win against Versailles, scoring nine points and making many important defensive plays. 👍🏻Ella has shown tremendous heart, effort, and intensity this season in every workout, practice, and game.💪🏻#athleteoftheweek #WEareTIPP #traditionofexcellence #ladyreddevils #determination #awesomeseason
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
THS Female Athlete of the Week.
🎉👏A very special shoutout to Tippecanoe High School wrestler Collin Isaac for earning his 100th career victory on his way to the championship at the Celina Bulldog Invitational! 🏆🤼👏 #dedication #hardwork #WEareTIPP #traditionofexcellence #thswrestling #championship
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Collin  gets his 100th wrestling victory.
UPDATE: ❄Tipp City Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st. Transportation will be available for walkers. Please call your child's school to make arrangements.❄
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
🏀👏🏻Congratulations to Tippecanoe Middle School Athlete of the Week, Elizabeth Shelton, a grade girls basketball player. Coach Thomas said, "Liz is a hidden gem for our team. She does so many little things that don’t show up in the scorebook but ultimately show up in wins for our team. 💪🏻🌟She is coachable, asks questions, and is quick to implement the answers to her game. I have never had to question her attitude or effort; it’s always on 100%! She deserves recognition for all the little things she does that help our team win. I love coaching her and having her on our team." 🏀😊#athleteoftheweek #studentrecognition #tmsgirlsbball #WEareTIPP #playhard #greatattitude
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Athlete of the Week
✨Today, we honor the legacy of Dr. King and his vision of equality, justice, and unity.✨Martin Luther King Jr. Day became a federal holiday in 1983 to celebrate his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement.✨#mlkday #civilrightsmovement #equalityjusticeunity
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
MLK, Jr. Day.  I have a dream
👏🏻📣Congratulations to Quinn Finch, Tippecanoe Middle School's Athlete of the Week. Coach Fryman and Coach Kirchner are impressed with Quinn's growth as a cheerleader. They said she always asks questions, works hard to improve herself as a cheerleader, supports her teammates, and does a great job supporting Tipp from the sideline. She also does a great job interacting with the crowd through eye contact and a smile.🌟💪🏻😊#tmsathleteoftheweek #WEareTIPP #tmscheer #reddevils
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Athlete of the Week.
☕✨ Tipp 'n Sipp is thriving at Tippecanoe High School! ✨☕Our young entrepreneurs have brewed and delivered over 300 cups of coffee to staff this school year! On most Fridays, you'll find them hard at work, pushing their cart while they serve up smiles and amazing coffee. They love their jobs, and it shows! 😊#WEareTIPP #youngtalent #tippnsipp #coffeecart
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Tipp 'n Sipp is in business at THS.
Tipp 'n Sipp is in business at THS.
😀📚Broadway Elementary students are turning the pages during this year’s Read-a-Thon! The annual event is helping to raise funds for school programs while growing a love for reading.📙📕📗 #readathon #turnthepages #grababook #lovetoread #WEareTIPP
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Read-A-Thon results.
Need Help with the FAFSA? On January 16th, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM, a Wright State University FAFSA representative will be available at Tippecanoe High School in the Library Media Center to assist families with completing their FAFSA. Be sure to create an FSA ID beforehand. This is an excellent opportunity to get expert help!
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
"❄️☃️ Student creativity at Broadway Elementary! The colorful artwork featuring snowmen, snowflakes, and cozy mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows perfectly reflects the season. 🖌️✨ ☕#studentcreativity #winterchill #studentartwork #WEareTIPP
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Student artwork at Broadway.
Student artwork at Broadway.
Student artwork at Broadway.
Student artwork at Broadway.
Student artwork at Broadway.
Student artwork at Broadway.
Student artwork at Broadway.
😊 Twinning it at LT Ball! Some are even quadrupling it! 💪 🙌 #LTBall #twinningit#QuadSquad #WEareTIPP
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Twinning it.
Twinning it.
Twinning it.
Quadding it.
Quadding it.
Twinning it.
💻✨ Our LT Ball Intermediate 3rd graders are diving into an exciting hands-on coding unit in computer class! 🧱🤖 Using Legos, the students in Amanda Jessup's class are building incredible creations and programming them to move and tackle fun challenges. 🚀 This engaging activity sparks creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork—skills that will serve them well in the digital age. 🙌#futureinnovators #handsoncoding #computerskills #programming #engagingstudentsinlearning #WEareTIPP
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Third grades diving into hands-on coding in computer class.
Third grades diving into hands-on coding in computer class.
Third grades diving into hands-on coding in computer class.
Third grades diving into hands-on coding in computer class.
Third grades diving into hands-on coding in computer class.
🎶📚 Broadway Elementary 2nd graders had an unforgettable experience as historian, storyteller, and musician Bob Ford brought history to life! As part of the Wit & Wisdom curriculum, this talented juried educational artist shared his incredible knowledge and skills, creating a fun and engaging learning experience for our students. Thank you, Bob, for making history so memorable! 👏✨#WEareTIPP #togetherweareextraoridary #bringinghistorytolife #wir&wisdom #learningthroughstorytelling
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Bob Ford, historian and educator
Bob Ford, historian and educator
Students learn about the Pioneer Days.
Bob Ford, historian and educator
Bob Ford, historian and educator
🌟 Today, we introduce Tate Honeycutt, the new social studies teacher at Tippecanoe High School! 🎉Please join us in giving him a warm Red Devil welcome as he joins our district and community! ❤️#newemployee #reddevilwelcome #WEareTIPP
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Welcome to Tipp City Schools
🏊‍♂️ 👏🏻The Tippecanoe High School Athletic Department is proud to recognize Ben Kozen as the Male Athlete of the Week! Ben, a senior on the varsity swim team, has been swimming competitively for nine years and is making waves this season as one of the top point scorers for the team.🏊🏻 With several personal bests already under his belt, Ben shines in longer-distance events, showcasing his dedication and hard work during every practice.💪🏻Not only is Ben a standout athlete, but he’s also a true team player, always cheering on and supporting his teammates.👏🏻 #thsswimming #athleteoftheweek #WEareTIPP #dedication #hardwork
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
THS Athlete of the Week
🌟📆We hope you can join us for one of the upcoming Superintendent's Community Engagement.😊📆#communityengagement #WEareTIPP #newschool #buildingthefuture
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Superintendent's Community engagement.
👏🏻🌟Congratulations to Tippecanoe Middle School Rock Stars of the Week, Addison Seagraves, Cameron Mains, and Emily Ayres. These hardworking students know how to be responsible, be respectful, and have integrity. 👍🏻😊
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Rock Stars of the Week
🌟 We are excited to welcome custodian Doug Hoff to the day shift at Tippecanoe Middle School. You may recognize him from his time as the evening custodian at Tippecanoe High School, where he was known for being a hardworking and helpful part of the team. If you see him around, be sure to say hello and give him a warm welcome! 👏#welcometotms #tmsteam #WEareTIPP
about 2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Welcome to the TMS team.
🎨✨ Introducing the "Elevate the Arts" logo created by Tippecanoe High School student Emersyn Gorrell. 🎉 Emersyn’s design captures the spirit of this upcoming event to celebrate creativity, expression, and the incredible talent within our district. ✨🎨Mark your calendars for April 10th from 5-8 PM at Tippecanoe High School. Stay tuned for more details, and join us as we “Elevate the Arts”! 🎭🎶🖌️#elevatethearts #studenttalent #creativity #expression #WEareTIPP
2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
Elevate the Arts Logo
🌟👏🏻🏀We have another Tippecanoe Middle School Athlete of the Week to recognize. Congratulations to Kingston Johnson, a TMS basketball player. 👍🏻🏀 Coach Blair said, "Kingston is one of the hardest-working kids I have ever coached. His passion and love for the game are things that you can't coach. Kingston's vision on the court and ability to distribute the ball are vital to the success of our team. 💪🏻Kingston also has a great shot and hit the game winning three pointer against Xenia." #tmsbball #athleteoftheweek #WEareTIPP
2 months ago, Tipp City Schools
TMS Athlete of the Week.