On this School Lunch Hero Day join us in giving a shoutout to our food service crew at Broadway Elementary. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
Next up on School Lunch Hero Day...the Tippecanoe Middle School cafeteria staff. Join us in saying thank you for all you do to feed and nourish our students!
#WEareTIPP #schoollunchheroday
It is School Lunch Hero Day! We start with saying thanks to our amazing crew at LT Ball Intermediate School. #WEareTIPP #lschoollunchheroday
On the last day of this year's Teacher Appreciation Week, join us in a Virtual Applause Parade to show our staff how much they are appreciated! #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
This is just the beginning of what will be a masterpiece on display in LT Ball's library when completed. This week, all 4th and 5th graders are creating a large mural by following the directions of artist and naturalist Chris Rowlands. Students are using pointillism, a style of painting that uses small dots of colors to create images. Thank you Miami County Park District for bringing Mr. Rowlands and his many talents to our district this year to create music, lyrics, movement, and art.
Look at these great photos from last night's PowderPuff Game. Credit goes to Tippecanoe High School student Emma Moore, a talented member of the yearbook crew. #WEareTIPP
Thank you Ginghamsburg Church for teaming up with Coldwater Café to provide lunch for all staff in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. It was enjoyed and appreciated! #WEareTIPP
Broadway Elementary students are learning about Tipp City history and that includes a walking tour of downtown and stops at some special locations. Today, some 3rd graders got to go inside the Opera House, which is a rare opportunity. How fun and special! #WEareTIPP
Tippecanoe Middle School students in classes of Amy Grescowle helped plant trees in their names on Arbor Day. Her brother, a THS alum, hiked Mt. Kilimanjaro and brought his experience to her students. As a culminating activity he donated three trees and the labor. #WEareTIPP
Boonshoft Museum of Discovery brought its Hop, Wiggle and Roll program to Nevin Coppock thanks to a grant from Miami County Foundation. The fun program introduces healthy foods and activities to promote developing good habits for a healthy body. #WEareTIPP
Thank you to this amazing volunteer crew from Upper Room Worship Center. These great people painted the garden fence at Broadway Elementary and cleaned up around our schools. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
They aren't old enough to ride the school bus but already love Mr. Tom, bus 14 driver. Britany Kovaleski says the little ones she babysits get so excited to see Mr. Tom’s bus coming for the older children. They love that he beeps and waves to them each morning! #WEareTIPP
Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School senior Brenna Custer for earning an associate's degree from Sinclair College! She is the only THS Class of 2022student to complete an associate's degree through College Credit Plus prior to high school graduation. #WEareTIPP
Congratulations to Tippecanoe High School senior Jack Dunaway for passing his
oral exam with the FAA and earning his pilot's license! WOW! What an amazing accomplishment! #WEareTIPP
Thank you to the parents and community members who purchased today's coffee and tea in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. We appreciate the delicious delivery. #WEareTIPP #TogetherweareExtraordinary
Congratulations to Broadway Elementary Super Citizens for April. #WEareTIPP
Time for more Congratulations! The Tippecanoe High School Symphonic Band received a I (Superior) rating at OMEA State Concert Band Finals! The band received straight 1’s from all three judges. This is the first time since the 2014-2015 school year that the band received Superior ratings at both Marching Band and Concert Band State Finals! Thank you to Band Director Steve Parks and Assistant Band Director Stephen Monath for your dedication and passion! #WEareTIPP
It is Teacher Appreciation Week. Give a round of applause and shout a "THANK YOU" to our wonderful teachers who we truly appreciate. #WEareTIPP
Congratulations to the most recent Tippecanoe High School Red Devil of the Week Max Dunaway. His nominator said, "Max demonstrates kindness and acceptance of those around him and goes out of his way to include others who may feel left out. He demonstrates random acts of kindness and is a dedicated friend and student!" #WEareTIPP
Congratulations to these great Broadway Elementary students who earned "Principal for a Day" through the Accelerated Reader Program. And, when you are "promoted" to this position you get treated to a special lunch with Mrs. Smith. #WEareTIPP