DI Teaches 21st Century Skills

The future of our children, workforce, nation, and world is on the line. To foster tomorrow’s leaders, Destination ImagiNation, Inc. provides a broad range of exciting, “hands-on and minds-on” experiences that teach creativity, teamwork, and problem solving and provide real-life opportunities to apply them. These experiences are designed to move beyond the rhetoric and meet the challenge of providing all young people the opportunity to learn the basic skills of the 21st Century.

Destination ImagiNation is a program that builds participants' creativity, teamwork and problem solving in enjoyable and meaningful ways. The goals of Destination ImagiNation are for participants to:

  • Foster creative and critical thinking.

  • Learn and apply creative problem solving tools and method.

  • Develop teamwork, collaboration and leadership skills.

  • Nurture research and inquiry skills, involving both creative exploration and attention to detail.

  • Apply and enhance written and verbal communication and presentation skills (both impromptu and sustained).

  • Promote the recognition, use and development of many and varied strengths and talents.

  • Engage in STEM related activities and Service-Learning.

  • Encourage competence in, enthusiasm for and commitment to real-life problem solving.