Tippecanoe High School
Student Daily Announcements
Tippecanoe High School Student Daily Announcements 1/30/2025
Attention Juniors; Any Junior interested in attending either Buckeye Girls State or Buckeye Boys State, please see Mrs. Gaier for more information. These programs run for a week in June and are held at Bowling Green State University and Miami University. If you are interested in the operation of government, this program is for you.
Art Club meeting today after school. All are welcome to attend. We will meet in room 107, Mrs. Morgan's room.
We're baaaack! Check out Inferno's Instagram for a short writing contest and a chance to win this month's prize. Details and information on other Inferno events are @thsinferno. You write. We read. Submit.
Seniors - please stop by the counseling office to pick up applications to the many local scholarships available to you.
Tipp Monroe Community Services is sponsoring an ACT prep class on Sunday, February 23rd from 12:30pm to 5:30pm. This will take place at Tipp Middle School and the cost is $89. To register, see the counseling office.
Another reminder from Tippecanoe High School Clinic; As we see a rise in the number of illness related absences, keep in mind the number one way to prevent the spread of germs and illnesses is hand washing. Wet your hands, apply soap, and scrub for 20 seconds. You could even sing Happy Birthday while washing, just make sure you scrub for 20 seconds to make sure you’re washing long enough. It will be time well spent! In the absence of soap and water, hand sanitizer is a great alternative.
The Art Club will be selling candy grams at lunch beginning Feb. 3rd. Candy grams will be $2.00. We will have a table set up and will be selling during each lunch period with the sale ending on Feb. 7th. Candy Grams will be delivered Feb. 13th. Please support the art club and send your friend or favorite teacher some candy love.
The Outdoor club will be hosting two winter outdoor trips in the coming weeks! This Saturday we will head to Valley's Edge in New Paris for snow tubing! The deadline for Snow tubing registration is TODAY.
On Thursday, February 20th, we will head to the riverscape for ice skating afterschool. Anyone is welcome, but there is a cost associated with the events. See Mrs. Horne or Mr. Hoffman for more information, and to sign up for these events.
Students interested in joining the military or taking a career assessment should sign up for the ASVAB on February 4th. The ASVAB measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. You can sign up in the counseling office. See Ms. Everhart if you have any questions!
**MEETING RESCHEDULED - We’re going on a tour of the Enchanted Cities of Europe in Summer 2026, and you’re invited! We're having an organizational meeting TONIGHT in the HS Media Center, from 6:30-7:30 pm. We have some new incentives being offered this year; and even if you attended the first meeting you are welcome to come and hear more about our upcoming trip. See Mr. Bellas in room 110 if you have any questions. Hope to see you all there!
The Troy Strawberry Festival Queen’s Pageant will be held on Friday, March 21, 2025. All freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior girls are invited to participate. Applications are available in the literature rack outside the office, and must be postmarked on or before February 21, 2025.
Our High School parent organization Parents Who Care needs parent volunteers to help work at the Concession stand during both boys’ and girls’ home basketball games. There are only a few more opportunities to help this need. If these slots are not filled, we cannot have Concessions at our games! All proceeds from these concessions go directly to HS student activities (Powder Puff, Top Scholar, & After Prom). Please consider signing up to work a shift or two so we can support this group! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0A4AAFA72CA13-52200967-high
THS Clubs/Activities
1/30 - 2:45 - Art Club meeting this Thursday January 30th. All are welcome to attend. We will meet in room 107, Mrs. Morgan's room.
2/1 - Outdoor Club - Valley’s Edge - snow tubing - all are welcome, but there is a fee for the event. The deadline for snow tubing registration is THIS THURSDAY, Jan 30th.
2/4 - 7:15am - Octagon Club meeting in Room 107. All members need to try and attend. Please let Mrs. Morgan know if you aren’t able to attend.
2/6 - 7:15am - National Art Honor Society officers meeting in room 107. All officers need to attend.
2/20 - 2:45pm - Outdoor Club - Riverscape Ice Skating - after school - all are welcome, but there is a fee for the event
2/27 - 6:30 PM - THS Choir Pre-contest Concert - THS CPA
Tippecanoe Sports
The Tippecanoe Wrestling Red Devils won the FIRST ever "Battle Across The Miami" dual against Bethel High School 48 - 30. Great Job Team!
Congratulations to our Girls JV and Varsity Basketball teams on their wins over Fairborn last night. JV won 53-17 and Varsity won 67-34.
Congratulations to our Varsity Girls Bowling team on their win against West Carrollton last night.
Upcoming Athletic Events:
January 31st Bowling @ Stebbins 4:30 PM
Boys Basketball @ Piqua 5:00 PM/6:15 PM/7:30 PM
February 1st Red Devil Swim Invitational @ Trotwood Madison HS 9:00 AM
Girls Basketball @ Piqua 10:30 AM/11:45 AM
Wrestling @ Coldwater 9:00 AM
For scores, sports schedules and other information on all Tippecanoe High School Sports go to: www.tippecanoeathletics.com
Counselor’s Corner
For the most recent information from our High School Counselor’s Office, please click the link
Tippecanoe High School Counseling Info Page You’ll find everything from career planning, scholarships, college planning and much more.
Attendance Information
Click this link THS Attendance Information for contact information on reporting any kind of absence including; early dismissals, late arrivals, future absences - including vacation days (parent email required and student must fill out paperwork with teachers prior to taking any vacation days), college visits, medical appointments, etc.
Upcoming High School Events/Community Info
2/6/2025 - 3:00-5:30 PM - THS Parent/Teacher Conferences
2/6/2025 - 5:30-7:00 PM - THS Curriculum Night (Families of Students in Grades 8 to 11 are invited)
2/10/2025 - 6:30 PM - PWC Monthly Meeting - THS Commons - all are welcome to attend
2/10/2025 - 7:00 PM - Tipp City Music Boosters Monthly Meeting - all are welcome to attend
2/14/2025 - NO SCHOOL for Tipp Students
2/17/2025 - NO SCHOOL Presidents Day
2/28/2025 - 2 hour late arrival - Tipp City Schools 6th-12th grade only
To view Tippecanoe High School’s Daily Announcements, please go to;
www.tippcityschools.com, click on Schools, then click on Tippecanoe High School, menu toward the top of the page, and click on Daily Announcements, available to view at your convenience.