Tippecanoe High School
Student Daily Announcements
Tippecanoe High School Student Daily Announcements 3/7/2025
Unfortunately, due to low interest, tonight's movie night was cancelled. If you have any questions please see an exec.
Inferno's Book Brackets are back in action. Grab a bracket at lunch, fill it out and turn it into the folder in front of Ms. Noels class. Make sure you turn it in by today.
Good Luck to THS’s Destination Imagination team that will be competing at the Northwest regional tournament this Saturday. The team includes: Addison Simons, Aubrey Ernst, Audrey Jackson, Ela Van Oss, Henry Ranly, Logan Grubbs, and Milo Green. The team has been working since October on their engineering challenge solution. The top two teams in their division will move on to the state tournament at Barberton High School at the end of the month.
Reminder -Important deadlines are coming soon for seniors interested in applying for local scholarships! Local scholarship application deadlines are throughout March. Applications and links to online applications can be found on the THS Counselor's section of the website and in the Counseling Office.
Tippecanoe High School will perform The Little Mermaid March 14th-16th. Tickets are available at the door or at Tipp.booktix.com Questions, please contact Mrs. Jasinski at cjasinski@tippcity.k12.oh.us
Pretzel Day #2 is coming! Student Senate will be selling pretzels and drinks again for delivery on Thursday, March 13th. Order forms will be located at lunch and outside the office. Please fill out the form and return it and the money to Madame Robertson or Senora Paige by today.
Anyone in grades 8-11 interested in trying out for high school cheer for the 25-26 season, please see the attached flyer.
THS Clubs/Activities
3/13 - Art Club Meeting
Tippecanoe Sports
Trent Thompson and Collin Isaac qualified for the Division 2 OHSAA State Wrestling Tournament. The State Tournament takes place this Friday March 7th - 9th at the Schott Center in Columbus. Come out and cheer your Wrestling Red Devils to VICTORY! To purchase tickets; State Tournament Tickets
For scores, sports schedules and other information on all Tippecanoe High School Sports go to: www.tippecanoeathletics.com
Counselor’s Corner
Current CCP students:
If you are planning to take CCP classes again next year, you need to complete another intent to participate packet. The state of Ohio requires you to sign the form on a yearly basis. Stop by the counseling office and pick one up on the table in front of Mrs. Gaier's desk.
You only need to apply to a college once. So if you are taking classes at Sinclair now, you don't have to apply to Sinclair again next year. If you are planning on taking classes from a different college, you will need to apply to that college for the coming year.
Students who are new to CCP:
1. You must complete an intent to participate packet by April 1st, 2025. Extra packets are found in the counseling office.
2. After completing the packet, you must apply to the college of your choice by May 1st, 2025. We recommend doing this sooner rather than later to make sure that you are eligible for CCP. Many students at Tipp take classes through Sinclair and Edison. Please see Google Classroom for Sinclair and Edison application guides. You may also apply to a different college of your choice, but you must initiate that with the college.
It's important for you to check email and google classroom regularly so that you know the dates and deadlines for CCP participation.
Heidelberg Summer Camps
Heidelberg University will host 4 resident camps for high schoolers this year. Students interested in medicine, sport science, music/theater, or environmental/biology should check them out! Register now!
For the most recent information from our High School Counselor’s Office, please click the link
Tippecanoe High School Counseling Info Page You’ll find everything from career planning, scholarships, college planning and much more.
Attendance Information
Click this link THS Attendance Information for information on reporting any kind of absence including; early dismissals, late arrivals, future absences - including vacation days (parent email required to Mrs. Petro rspetro@tippcity.k12.oh.us and students must fill out paperwork with teachers prior to taking any vacation days), college visits, medical appointments, etc.
Upcoming High School Events/Community Info
3/10/2025 - 7:00pm - Tipp City Music Boosters Monthly Meeting - THS Band Room-all are welcome
3/14/2025 - End of 3rd Quarter
3/14//2025 - 2 hour Late Arrival - 6th-12th Grade only
3/14-3/16/2025 - THS Spring Play ‘The Little Mermaid’
3/20 - THS Parent/Teacher Conference Night
3/24-3/28/2025 - Spring Break - No School
3/31/2025 - Classes Resume
To view Tippecanoe High School’s Daily Announcements, please go to;
www.tippcityschools.com, click on Schools, then click on Tippecanoe High School, menu toward the top of the page, and click on Daily Announcements, available to view at your convenience.