Goals & Team Rules


  1. Finish with a winning record in MVL.

  2. Qualify for OAC regionals.

  3. Have a winning varsity record.

  4. Qualify for National History Bowl and Bee.

  5. Win a game on In The Know.

  6. Qualify for a National Tournament.

  7. Attend 15+ varsity tournaments. 

9 . HAVE FUN!!! We all are doing this ultimately because we love it – enjoy yourselves!

Team Makeup

The Academic Quiz Team is an inclusive team.  What this means is that people may come and go as their schedules allow.  Quiz team is a year-round activity, beginning in September and going into June.  Many of you have other commitments, especially in schoolwork.  Set your priorities in a responsible manner.  No one will ever be cut from the team due to other commitments.  However, your attendance at tournaments and competitions will be dictated by your attendance and performance at practice. 

Each team member should try to be at practice at least once a week and take responsibility for one of four areas: Social Studies, Fine Arts, Science, or Literature.  We already have commitments from some students.  Once you declare a major, you have to stick with it for the rest of this year.  This will determine which quizzes you will be taking at practice.  

Declared Major Areas of Study: These are the areas in which you will take subject quizzes, sometimes on Thursdays before practice. If you need packets of study materials, just ask!

Literature -
Social Studies -
Fine Arts/RMP -
Undeclared - 


I will try as hard as I can to play every member in every tournament, but we are often limited by invitation, transportation, and team size.  Please ask either of the coaches if you have questions about your status on the team.

Team Rules

This team has five basic rules, and they are easy to remember.  They are:

1. Respect your coaches.
2. Respect your teammates. Encourage them when you can. Expect the same in return.
3. Respect your opponents. No taunting or poor sportsmanship will be allowed. I expect that you will shake hands with your opponents at the conclusion of every match, no matter the outcome. No foul language, please.
4. Respect the equipment. Buzzers cost hundreds of dollars, paid for by the
taxpayers, they are hard to get, and harder to repair. Be gentle!
5. Respect the people working at the tournaments we attend. Readers, scorekeepers timers are all volunteers, and they will be impressed with your sportsmanship if we act nicely. Thank them for reading or working the tournament in every round you play.
These are rules of basic courtesy and good manners, and I do not anticipate any problems. Remember, we are ambassadors representing not only our school, but our community. Any infractions may result in the team forfeiting matches, or worse, not being invited back to the tournament. If you forget one or more of the following rules, you will be reminded gently at first. Upperclassmen and varsity members should help enforce the rules. If poor conduct continues, you will be asked to leave.

For Parents

Each student will be asked to pay a portion of fees for hotels, meals, etc.  If we qualify for nationals, we will have to think about additional fundraising work.  However, the school will pay all entrance fees for all tournaments.

We will not sell candy, fruit, etc.  Currently, our only fundraisers are the Tippecanoe Academic Challenge on November 2nd, and hosting the OAC regional tournament in April.  We need as many parents as possible to work these events.  You can either work as a reader, scorekeeper/moderator, or in concession sales.  

All team members will be expected to attend the TAC and TRASH this fall!!

From time to time (as your child is nearing a tournament), you will receive permission slips regarding that event.  I will also try to update you on the status of the team in the same correspondence.  Think of these as short newsletters.  I will also send home a longer mid-year report which will update you on the status of the team.  If any parents want to attend tournaments as spectators, they are more than welcome.  Also, if any of you wish to arrange alternate transportation to a tournament, please contact me and we can make arrangements.  Finally, if you have any questions at all about anything regarding the team or your child, please contact me at the school (667-8448, ext 2763) and I will return your call as soon as possible.