
The THS theatre program almost entirely self-funded. It works to cover all production expenses along with working to keep the Center for Performing Arts well-equipped.  Tipp City Schools covers the director stipends, but all other expenses are the responsibiltiy of the theatre program. The program works to pay for sets, scripts, sound, lights, costumes, makeup, additional artists, etc.  through ticket sales and a variety of fundraisers listed below:

Patron / Sponsor Listings: 
For each production the community is called on to step up as a patron or sponsor of the arts by donating to the prodcution. Patrons, Sponsors, and Special Gifts are all gladly accepted. We happily publish the names or "break-a-leg" message in our show program because without these donations we would not be able to keep up the high level of productions we currently enjoy.

Advertising / Business Listing: For the Spring Musical we do publish business advertisements in our program. These ads help to offset the higher cost of putting on a musical as well as cover the pritning cost for our professional musical program. Pricing is available for business cards size ads, quarter, half, and full page advertisements. For the other mainstage productions of the year we do create a business listing section for those companies that gerneoursly donate to our production. Please support those organizations who have donated to our program in the past!

Flowers: Why not surprise your shining star with a beautiful bunch of flowers? We sell flowers as a fundraiser for the program each night before the show and during intermission.

Grants: Our Stagecrafters Summer Theatre Program has always been largely supported by grant donations from organizations like the Tipp Foundation and the Tippecanoe Educational Endowment. Thank you very much to those organizations who have recognized time and again the importance of bringing the performing arts into the lives our students!

Please consider donating to the Tipepcanoe Theatre Program to help our mission of creating high level performing arts opportunities for the Tipp City Community!

Make checks payable to THS Theatre Program.

Tippecanoe High School
ATTN: Theatre Program
615 E. Kessler Cowlesville Rd.
Tipp City, OH 45371