Student Senate


Mrs. Robertson

Mrs. Paige

Executive Officers

President -Bre Smith

Vice President -Willy Hept

Treasurer -Sadhil Mehta

Secretary -Ethan Berning

Asst. Secretary -Eve McCormick


Please refer to Google Classroom for information pertaining to members.

Mission Statement

Here is the Student Senate Constitution  Click here for the Student Senate Constitution.

Club Description

The Student Senate is the governing body for students at Tippecanoe High School. Through the Student Senate, a purposeful relationship exists among, students, faculty, and administration. The Student Senate provides an elected representative body to effectively govern student affairs. The Student Senate has leadership responsibilities regarding assemblies, organizations/clubs, the activity calendar, school policies, dances, and other special projects. Elected members must accept many responsibilities and fulfill many obligations. Participation is a privilege, not a right and must at all times comply with the guidelines established by the Student Code of Conduct.

Activities Schedule

Just a few of Student Senate's activities:

  • Summer leadership retreat

  • New student/teacher welcome lunch

  • Spirit Week

  • Powder Puff game

  • Homecoming parade and dance

  • Build a Beard

  • Wellness Week