International Thespian Society

Background Information
The International Thespian Society is an honor society for high school theatre students.The ITS inducts high school students active in theater each fall or spring, with members earning points towards a higher status. Points can be earned through a variety of ways; anything from lead roles to writing original plays, from working the sound crew to being stage manager can all earn you points.
So what’s special once you’re in the program? Well, ITS holds festivals annually, at the local, state, and national level. We look forward to attending the local and state festivals this year. These festivals will provide those students who have a love for theatre an excellent opportunity to meet other students who share their interest.Workshops and performances fill the daily schedules of Thespians, while dances and themed chaperone dinners occupy the evenings.
ITS members are invited to be inducted once they have achieved the necessary experience level as tabulated by an adopted points system.
Important Documents
Please see the THS Theatre Handbook for Points and Constitution.
Awards & Special Recognitions - Troupe #1642
2009-State Conference Participation
2009-Meredith Matthews - SouthWest Area Thespian Scholarship
2010-State Conference Participation
2010-Gold Honor Troupe Recognition
2011-State Conference Participation